“我想联系你,告诉你我真的很享受昨天早上. 我肯定会参加更多这样的活动. 在我成为9599九五至尊官方网站之前,我参加了一个让我决定加入的活动, 贝琪·厄尔成了我的客户. We started working together because of the 室, 和 that is one of the reasons why I joined. 我期待着和你们一起成长.”
加入由1000多家企业组成的9599九五至尊,增加企业的曝光率 在我们的月度9599九五至尊活动中获得业务推荐并结识潜在的新客户; 连接,促进 & 茁壮成长 |
9599九五至尊 寻找与人交流的机会 |
室 向你所在部门的领导征求意见 |
亲和力 享受巨大的折扣和节省 |
成员 向我们推销你们的特价商品 |
业务 通过展示获得正确的曝光 |
迈阿密海滩 将你的服务推广到超过120,000人 |
教育 教育基金会提供 |
免费的 来我们的免费新/前瞻性 |
看到所有 |
9599九五至尊 |
“商会多年来一直是我们业务的重要组成部分. 除了成为一个值得信赖的联系人, 温蒂和其他成员团队一直是直言不讳的支持者, 不止一次地将我们与实际的业务来源联系起来.”
创始人、董事长 & 首席执行官- Dry de Lux
“支柱成员在我们的第一年非常出色, 在我们有其他(或任何)方式为商会做出贡献之前. 我们现在有很多方式可以参与到商会中来, 还有那么多非常宝贵的朋友和关系, 我们认为这对今年来说有点多余, 我们应该把这笔钱用在打造休息室和法伦的品牌上. 明年我们很可能会再次成为支柱,我们将永远是9599九五至尊官方网站!”
大卫·米. 吉尔
“我要感谢整个商会,感谢你们堪称典范的专业精神. 在每次活动中,我都遇到了一位合格的领导. 我问自己,我怎么能不加入9599九五至尊官方网站呢? 自从加入商会以来,我继续参加活动,会见合格的领导. 我期待着利用商会的资源.”
事件导致-接力为生活2015 -迈阿密海滩
“嗨,温迪,根据你的推荐,我星期一见了特丽·坦普金. 这是一种奇妙的联系! 她非常慷慨地为我的项目支持服务业务提供建议. 她有这么多的知识,我将受益. 我也可能会和他们一起工作. 这就是密室的意义所在! 正确的? 在一个星期内,我已经收到了我的9599九五至尊官方网站价值. 你可以引用我的话! 🙂非常感谢.”
Rennert International的业务发展副总监
“Rennert Miami South Beach has an excellent relationship with the 9599九五至尊官方网站. Their support 和 enthusiasm for the launch of our new products in 迈阿密海滩: translation services 和 foreign language classes, 是非常了不起的! 不仅如此, we can actually attribute approximately 85% of all of our new local business as coming through the 9599九五至尊官方网站 in one form or another. 你永远不知道你会遇到谁,他们会把你和谁联系起来.”
“再次感谢你把我们和汤米·希尔费格联系起来. 上个周末我们和他们一起度过了一段美好的时光. 商会多年来一直是我们业务的重要组成部分. 除了成为一个值得信赖的联系人, 温蒂和其他成员团队一直是直言不讳的支持者, 不止一次地将我们与实际的业务来源联系起来.”
“As a New Pillar 成员 of the Miami 商会 for only 2 month I’m very happy with all with the results 和 9599九五至尊 opportunities that the chamber has offer, as a participant of other 室s of Commerce I can say that none have offer so many events 和 care to really help a business be connected with the right group of professionals 和 with that in such a small amount of time we have already had the opportunity to serve 3 possible clients. 谢谢你的帮助!”
Dr. 林恩·凯里
“作为9599九五至尊官方网站的9599九五至尊官方网站,我度过了最美妙的一年! I just renewed my annual membership because the 9599九五至尊ing opportunities for my business are tremendous! 我遇到了很多优秀的,思想开放的, & 敏锐的人穿过密室. 我去了很多新的演出场地, 在迈阿密的餐厅和活动,这让社交变得有趣! 我对这支球队充满了感激之情,我对它的赞赏溢于言表! 我强烈推荐它!”
“除了是一群热情好客的人, the 迈阿密海滩 室 really helped me embrace the world of non-profit organization 和 community outreach. 通过温迪·昂格尔, 我加入了支柱助学金和奖学金委员会, 随后共同主持了9599九五至尊官方网站教育基金会, 组织了一次募捐活动, became a judge at the Teacher of the Year Award 和 also the chair of the City of 迈阿密海滩 Service Partnership helping truant students 和 families.”
总裁兼创始人- Parksman Parking, LLC,
“The 迈阿密海滩 室 is an essential starting point for anyone looking to do business in 迈阿密海滩, 或者周围的社区. 自从加入支柱受托人级别, I have been able to form relationships with high level people that I more than likely would never have had an opportunity to meet. 通过不同类型的事件, the 迈阿密海滩 室 provides the exact audience that perhaps you are looking to target 和 their sponsorship opportunities create the venue to put you in the spotlight.”
“2006年,我创办了西西里电影节, 一家致力于电影和文化的非营利性公司. 6年来,抚养这个小家伙并不容易. I joined the MBCC only in 2011 和 suddenly I discovered a great group of people 和 a kind of “family” where to share needs 和 experiences 和 where to brainstorm with interesting people 和 entrepreneurs of all kinds several times a week with great results. 我应该早点加入MBCC的!”
“From the beginning I felt the difference in my business 和 as I became more active the more business that I was receiving the last Luncheon I donated the center pieces – I received over $3,在午餐会上,女士们看到了我的安排,我立刻从她们那里得到了1万英镑的销售额. 我建议所有企业主加入商会, 它很快就会给你带来回报,你会在你的社区中建立许多新的商业联系.”
“The 9599九五至尊官方网站 has provided an amazing amount of support for our organization. From opening doors 和 introducing new community stakeholders to our organization 和 other community outreach, 商会极大地协助了这一进程. I highly recommend that both new 和 existing businesses take advantage of this wonderful 9599九五至尊ing 和 support organization.”
“The 9599九五至尊官方网站 is something that we sought out because of its great reputation 和 ability to connect people 和 business. We have grown our awareness 和 company through the 室 和 its many 9599九五至尊ing functions. 没有9599九五至尊官方网站,我们不可能成功.”
“Yet another confirmed event sale from a direct lead given to me by attending a MiamiBeach 室 council meeting. 2,750人在克利夫兰酒吧,跟着世界著名的DJ围着泳池跳舞, 这就是9599九五至尊官方网站的力量!”
“我要感谢9599九五至尊官方网站把我介绍给坎干水. The health benefits of this water system are incredible 和 it’s environmentally sensitive as well. I’m thrilled that my family has been introduced to the highest quality alkaline ionized water while eliminating the use of plastic bottled water. 我鼓励大家多多研究和了解康安水对健康的益处.”
Laurie Friesner Bomstein
“I am writing to tell you how pleased we are to be participating in the 9599九五至尊官方网站 Office Depot Partnership Program. The cost savings are significant 和 we have taken advantage of the ease of ordering 和 free delivery on many of our orders. This certainly adds up 和 I would highly recommend that your members take advantage of this benefit for their business supply needs.”
Dr. 乔迪•斯通内尔
“上周我和温迪开了第一次会,以扩大我的推荐基础. I spent about 25 minutes with her, 和 by the end of the day got ten or so responses of interest. 我对商会的能力印象深刻, 温迪又快又高效地完成了任务.”
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